maybe you have a sporty or active or tennis-loving child. maybe your son or daughter look up to professional players on tv. this fun barbie is perfect.
she is beautiful. her hair is up, to help her stay cool and not affect her vision while playing. her lovely skin tone and brown eyes may look like your child or grandchild or a child you know.
she is wearing a purple tennis dress, with pink, blue, and black pattern. she is wearing pink sneakers and comes with a pink tennis racket and yellow tennis ball.
this will be pretend tennis, of course. items are for imaginative play.
study the history of tennis. have kids research the top female tennis players in history. take a field trip to the park's tennis court.
for ages 3 and older
this professional tennis player practices many hours every day. she works very hard. she eats a healthy diet. she makes a wonderful role model.
she is part of the "you can be anything" barbie line.
it's time for a match! it's time for some fun!
by mattel
brand-new, in the box