this fun puzzle is made with wood. it is sturdy and beautiful. it is also educational. it's a wonderful resource for homeschoolers or for a classroom. it's just as helpful at home when children are learning the names of the 50 states, their locations, and all 50 capitols.
alaska and hawaii are included, though their size and location are not accurate. you can show a child their actual shapes and locations on a map.
each state shows some type of artwork associated with their state. this helps a child remember something about each place. it also provides a great opportunity for discussion and further research.
younger ones will enjoy the colors and shapes. you can do the puzzle together. show them where you live. show them other places you've lived or visited, too. show them where loved ones live.
the back side is plain wood.
15-1/2" wide and 11-1/2" tall
not for anyone prone to putting objects into their mouth, including children aged three and younger